Bridging Cybersecurity Talent Gap with Training, Certifications

Bridging Cybersecurity Talent Gap with Training, Certifications The cybersecurity industry faces a talent gap that negatively impacts businesses’ ability to defend against cyber threats. According to ‘The Life and Times of Cybersecurity Professionals 2021‘ survey, the heavier workload (62%), unfilled positions (38%), and worker burnout (38%) are contributing to the skill gap in the cybersecurity… Continue reading Bridging Cybersecurity Talent Gap with Training, Certifications

Why is being compliant with data protection laws necessary?

Why is being compliant with data protection laws necessary Data is a valuable asset, and in today’s digital economy, gathering and sharing data has become inevitable. And with cloud-based solutions becoming the preferred model for data storage, the need to secure data has only amplified. However, for a company to benefit from the data it… Continue reading Why is being compliant with data protection laws necessary?

Evolution of Managed Detection and Response (MDR)

Evolution of Managed Detection and Response (MDR) The last few years have seen a massive increase in cyber-attack intensity, volume, and sophistication. This is primarily because organizations and businesses are moving their digital operations into the cloud in order to increase their efficiency. As a result, the challenge for IT has evolved requiring greater focus… Continue reading Evolution of Managed Detection and Response (MDR)

10 Types of Security Testing Techniques

What is Security Testing? Businesses and governments are highly impacted by the increasing number of cyber attacks and threats in today’s virtual world. Such attacks mainly target the customers’ data the organization serves. Therefore, there is a constant need to ensure the organization’s security. This is where Security Testing plays a crucial role. Security Testing… Continue reading 10 Types of Security Testing Techniques

A Complete Guide to Ensure Cyber Security Compliance

A Complete Guide to Ensure Cyber Security Compliance When it comes to Cyber Security, an organization needs to ensure that it provides assurance not only to its clients, both internal and external but also to the governing bodies within & outside the organization. That’s the reason the domain Governance, Risk & Compliance, aka GRC, has… Continue reading A Complete Guide to Ensure Cyber Security Compliance

PIPKA Advisory

Skimming is not a new word to the cybersecurity industry. Earlier, skimming referred to stealing payment data from ATMs by attaching a physical ‘skimmer’ to ATMs. Now, with the evolving payment landscape, skimming has also been evolving into online skimming and targeting e-commerce sites. Online skimming is an adverse activity of stealing payment information from… Continue reading PIPKA Advisory

Emotet Malware

Emotet, the Trojan designed to steal payment data from banks, back in 2014 has now evolved into a highly destructive malware to date. Since the start of 2019 (to today), cybersecurity analysts have been identifying endless emotet activity across the globe. The designers of emotet malware seem to be adding a series of malicious modules… Continue reading Emotet Malware

PCI DSS Controls for Work from Home setup

The COVID-19 (novel coronavirus) pandemic’s outbreak has lead global organizations to work from home to keep employees safe from infection while meeting the operational requirements. Many organizations are leveraging remote working and disseminating business-critical data over a variety of channels, outside their security networks. With an enormous shift in the number of remote working employees,… Continue reading PCI DSS Controls for Work from Home setup

Maze.Ransomware – New Destructive Malware Strain

Maze.Ransomware is a sophisticated windows strain that has been hitting companies since at least May 2019. By the end of September 2019, Maze started becoming infamous for encrypting files and demanding ransom. Malicious actors behind Maze have been intruding into confidential data systems, encrypting sensitive files, and demanding for ransom in bitcoins. Initially, the actors… Continue reading Maze.Ransomware – New Destructive Malware Strain

REvil Ransomware AKA Sodinokibi (RaaS)

REvil Ransomware (also known as Sodinokibi) is a sophisticated file-encrypting windows strain operated as RaaS (Ransomware as a Service). Since mid-April 2019, security researchers have been identifying persistent REvil Ransomware activity across different geographies. At first, the malware propagated via vulnerabilities in Oracle WebLogic Server. Later, the malware started spreading through phishing and spam emails,… Continue reading REvil Ransomware AKA Sodinokibi (RaaS)

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