Red Teaming Services

Assess your organization’s readiness to defend critical assets against real-world threats.

Strengthen your defenses with red teaming and adapt to evolving tactics, techniques, and procedures

  • Simulate real-world attack scenarios to remain agile and responsive to emerging threats
  • Perform multi-layered security assessment to identify potential vulnerabilities
  • Develop proactive approach to improve preparedness and response time

Test your threat detection, incident response and mitigation skills with a team of expert ethical hackers

SISA’s multilayered red team exercise applies forensic intelligence and adversarial mindset to simulate real-world threats

SISA’s Red Teaming service adopts a systematic 4-phased approach that mirrors the strategy followed by intruders traditionally.

The core methodology is designed to measure the readiness of your people, processes and IT infrastructure to respond to known and unknown threats.

  • 3-tiered attack simulation
  • Forensic intelligence-led testing
  • MITRE ATT&CK mapping

Why choose SISA for Red Team Exercise?

SISA’s Red Team services are designed using best-in-class tools and methodologies and delivered by a trusted team of industry experts.
A risk-based approach to Red Team assessment by exploring, evaluating, and exploiting every vulnerability that can cause potential damage.
Core PFI with expertise in investigating payment frauds in more than 40 countries across the world.
Integration of forensic-driven learnings and use cases for robust testing outcomes.
Specialization in adversary simulation using various tactics including social engineering, automated and manual Penetration Testing.
More than a decade of experience in Network VAPT, ASV scans, and Application PT.

Get your environment assessed by SISA’s Red Team and secure your organization’s sensitive data from breach.

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