PCI SSC Announces the GEAR Members

Following the release of the First 20 members of the Global Executive Assessor Roundtable committee by PCI Security Standards Council, here is a detailed interpretation of what GEAR is all about.
SISA is one of First 20 organizations to join the PCI Security Standards Council’s Global Executive Assessor Roundtable in its efforts to secure payment data globally. As strategic partners, Roundtable members bring industry, geographical and technical insight to PCI SSC plans and projects on behalf of the assessor community.
Here is a set of possible questions in context to the PCI SSC GEAR:
What is the PCI SSC GEAR?
The PCI SSC Global Executive Assessor Roundtable (GEAR) is an Executive Committee level advisory board comprised of senior executives from PCI assessor companies. The PCI SSC trains and validates thousands of assessors that help ensure the correct adoption and implementation of PCI Security Standards. Assessors provide input on the development of PCI Security Standards and programs and PCI SSC holds regular sessions to engage with the assessment community. The Global Executive Assessor Roundtable provides formal inputs at the Executive Committee level.
The Global Executive Assessor Roundtable will provide the PCI SSC with valuable insights for our efforts to improve data payment security around the globe.
The PCI SSC Global Executive Assessor Roundtable serves as a direct channel for communication between senior leadership of payment security assessors and PCI SSC senior leadership.
Responsibilities of the PCI SSC GEAR members
Roundtable Advisors are responsible for providing advice, feedback and guidance to PCI SSC as requested; provide both open and expert input from both a business and technical perspective; represent the views and interests of the PCI assessor and assessed communities; and be available and willing to participate in special PCI SSC projects.
Roundtable Advisors will be expected to participate in quarterly telephone-based meetings and attend one annual face to face meeting, to be held in at the same time and location as a PCI SSC Community Meeting. Additional telephone-based meetings may be called, as needed, scheduled quarterly or as otherwise necessary or appropriate.
Building a strong assessor community and developing high quality training programs is a priority for the PCI SSC in its efforts to help secure payment data globally. The PCI SSC is establishing the Global Executive Assessor Roundtable to encourage the exchange of information and increase payment security through greater coordination with this key stakeholder group.
The Global Executive Assessor Roundtable initiative is specifically designed to gather input on PCI assessor programs, including training content and qualification requirements, as well as to increase assessor engagement in emerging markets. In addition, this initiative will provide the opportunity to hear from executives regarding enhancements for PCI assessor capabilities and skills that broaden service and value to merchants and processors.
How is the PCI SSC GEAR members selected?
Roundtable Advisors will be appointed by the PCI SSC Executive Committee from among the eligible slate of nominees, through a process intended to provide the best level of support, advice and interest for the PCI assessor programs and ensure broad representation across the eligible companies.
Source: https://www.pcisecuritystandards.org/get_involved/global_executive_assessor_roundtable