Transitioning to PCI DSS v4.0

About the Panel Discussion
PCI DSS v4.0 takes a comprehensive approach toward improving the security posture of the payment`s security ecosystem, emphasizing the organization’s governance, organizational maturity, technical controls, and targeted risk analysis. These requirements are well timed, given the number of threats the payment industry currently faces.
While many organizations have started their transition journey, most have yet to begin. This panel discussion will equip organizations to begin, transit, and comply with PCI DSS v4.0. Attendees can also understand and deep dive into a few new requirements, approaches, and provisions made in version 4.0.
Key Takeaways: :
- What are the timelines for implementing PCI DSS 4.0? Which version of PCI DSS should an entity use?
- Key strategies to seamlessly navigate the transition from v3.2.1 to v4.0.
- Ever-increasing and dynamic threat landscape for the payment industry and how PCI DSS 4.0 is addressing them.
- Success story from SISA.